Google introduced Family link a while ago which allows kids under 13 years to legally create a account but with limited features but if you need to link a parrent account to do so.
But many people had problems because the changer their age as a joke and couldn't change it back because the age can't be change from a child account.
Let's come to topic , this method can be used if you have access to the parent account dosent matter if you created a child account or you accidentally switched to it so don't worry.
Firstly log in to the parent account that you linked when you created the child account.
Now go to google and type google family link and go to manage section.
There you will find the child account with the Google link logo on the corner of the profile . Click the account it will Open the account.
Now tap on account info , her you can chane the name and date of birth of the account, but if try to put any age abow the 13 it will not work. Normal people don't know what to at this perticular point. All you have to do is set current day as your 13 th birthday which means if today is Dec-20-2020 set your birthday as Dec-20-2007.
Now the next day the child account will receive a email saying "happy you can take control of your account now" or something similar you will be provided with a link through which you can change the child account to adult or in Google's words "you can now graduate the account" at that point you can set your age what ever you want from the normal google account section .
During the conversation process you will be asked to accept ther terms of condition and may need to long in to parents account to complete the process.
This is completely legal as long as the person's age is bow 13 and is the real owner of the account.
Google FAQ explains avery thing that you don't need to know it is like when you buy a new phone and it shows you how to open apps. Getting support from Google is a impossible task because of millions of request being qued . The community is not that good for fixing these things so if you find post like these helpful consider sharing so more people know about this,thank you